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Decision-Making Management (DMM) 

DMM is a disruptive leadership style for teams and leaders that leads to jointly supported decisions that are self-responsibly turned into action. So that the uncertain decision maker human is not replaced by an artificial intelligence (AI) and AI becomes an integral part of human decision-making process.


​KiE Labs empowers people to contribute their competencies to bring about jointly supported decisions, reliable and timely.


KiE Labs is the leader in DMM – for remote and presence collaboration


A comprehensive DMM consists of: 


  • Digitized DecisionMaker for agile and traditional teams as well as decision makers, for remote and presence

  • A complete set of DMM processes, such as rating, understanding, quality, prioritization, and commitment process

  • The inseparability of emotions, intuition and cognition (KiE Theory) as a human decision-making process

  • The conscious intuitive rating that is available to every human after 350 ms

  • The competencies of all at 100% participation without anchoring effect are brought into the DMM process

  • Empowers people with a growth mindset


Use DMM and the Team-DecisionMaker App as general protection nudge against manipulation, so that all people get a chance to succeed. Leadership demonstrates responsibility to use DMM and KiE to coordinate everyone's best ideas.

Decide with solid
Decision-Making Processes

Jointly supported decisions can be brought about reliably with practice proven and robust DM Processes as an accepted rating system, consciously using intuition, bringing about jointly supported WeQuality, and prioritization as well as commitment processes.


Accepted rating
system – intuitive and cognitive

The KiE Scale timely and reliable rating and always forces a clear decision.

It is just as suitable for individual as for team decisions as well as for intuitive and cognitive ratings.

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The ability to consciously use the intelligence of intuition

The intuition works in every decision, whether we perceive it or not, we should'nt ignore it. Integrated into Decision Making tools, intuition becomes a conscious decision: guaranteed, fast and precise.

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Takes everyone with
their competences in charge

The Resource Questions initiates a clear procedure

that leads quickly to


The parties involved are

made aware of their duty

to contribute to a solution.

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Decision-making triad intuition, cognition, intuition

To bring about good decisions reliable and timely,

all decisions should be aligned to the order of the evolutionary decision systems intuition - cognition – intuition.


Producing jointly accepted quality together

The WeQuality Process brings together quality and mutually support into a clear and distinct process. In a self-responsible and self-organized way people get the chance to succeed.

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The core task, what is done and what is not done

What is to be done and what is not? A reliable Process which topics are urgent and important. People do not make decisions when they are unsure what else they need to do.

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The heart of DMM - jointly supported decisions

A real commitment significantly reduces the effort needed for delegation and control and is a central component of self-organi-zation and a prerequisite for developing ownership.

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Bring leading and

agile way of working together

A disruptive step of the view of leadership itself.

Decisions are made jointly supported with reliable decision-making processes - by the leader and by team together

Why Teams as well as Leaders
choose the Team-DecisionMaker


Stop failed and challenging projects

Successful projects and happy people save money and time.


End Painful Remote Meetings

Efficient meetings and good decisions with a 100% participation.


Stop Racism, Sexism, Ageism and all “isms”

Give people a voice, anonymously, no anchoring or priming.


Not aligned inefficient Teams

Use all competences with 100% participation in solid DM Processes.


Agreement, instead of Commitments

Jointly supported decisions, that everybody gets the chance to do well.


Discrimination, Conflicts and Exclusion

Eliminate “isms” leveraging your team’s combined expertise.

Already used by

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Learn more

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How to Solve Crisis with A New Way of Making Decisions

Executives rate 75% of all meetings as inefficient. This is confirmed by both McKinsey and the Harvard Business Review. For business leaders and teams is making decisions stressful and frustrating.
Traditional forms of decision-making are simply not good enough.

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